If you are a marketing specialist whose domain is digital media, you already know the power of well-written copy and captivating visuals. Now it’s time to apply those principles to your digital marketing resume.
It doesn't matter how good you are at your job and how much experience you have if you can’t show that to recruiters. We’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you do exactly that. This article will give you everything from broad resume-writing principles to fine-tuning expert tips, so strap in and let’s get started.
Key Takeaways
The chronological resume format is usually the best choice for a digital marketing resume, as recruiters are accustomed to it and it works well with the ATS.
For optimal results, your resume shouldn’t exceed one page, and you should use a professional layout to present all the information concisely.
Make sure you start your resume with a catchy hook in the form of a summary or objective that highlights your key achievements or skills.
Supplement your resume with a matching cover letter to give recruiters more information about your professional history and display your willingness to go the extra mile.
What is the Right Format to Use for a Digital Marketing Resume?

A resume format represents the organization and arrangement of information on your document. Through proper formatting, you’ll be able to emphasize important details about you and show them to recruiters in an optimal way. There are many directions that you could take here, but three resume formats have been proven to yield the best results:
Combination (hybrid)
The chronological format is by far the most popular one. It’s used by the majority of candidates, as it neatly presents your professional and academic accomplishments in reverse-chronological order. Recruiters are used to that structure, which works well with the ATS as well.
The functional format is best used by entry-level candidates, as it emphasizes skills and obscures any lack of professional experience.
On the other hand, a combination format is great for experienced candidates. It also focuses on skills, but it backs each up with relevant work achievements.
Resume Layout

You could spend days perfecting your digital marketing resume only for recruiters to skim through it in a matter of seconds. That’s why you want your document to be brief but information-packed and visually engaging. Consider the following guidelines to achieve that:
In most cases, your digital marketing resume should be one page long.
Make each section visually distinct by using white space between them and having a larger font size for their headings.
Speaking of font sizes, 10–12 pt size for the body and 14–16 pt size for the headings is a good starting point.
As for the font, you should pick a modern, clean, and readable one, such as Helvetica or Verdana.
What Sections Should a Digital Marketing Resume Contain?

Mandatory Sections
Every digital marketing resume should have five mandatory sections, which are:
Contact information
Resume objective/summary
Work experience
Optional Sections
On top of that, you can include several optional parts, including:
Certifications and courses
Hobbies and interests
Now, as a digital marketing specialist, you’re aware of the power of automation, which is why we have to mention our resume-building tool. While you can always create a document from scratch, using your software will allow you to do it much quicker while maintaining the same degree of control and quality.
The program contains a bunch of intuitive tools and user-friendly features that allow you to change the look of the entire resume with one click or insert your information by simply filling in the blanks. You’ll end up with a submission-ready document before you know it!
To show you that we mean business, here’s a professional digital marketing resume template made using our software:
Resume templates
Name and Surname
Phone number: 000-000-0000 | Email: namesurname@gmail.com | Location: City, State
[Adjective] [your job title] with [years of experience, if applicable] in [your area of expertise, if applicable] looking for a [position] job at [company name]. Eager to apply [relevant skills] gained through [work/volunteer/other experience] to help [company name] [mention what you can do for the company].
Work Experience
Most Recent/Current Job Title Company City, State [Start date] — [End date]
For recent jobs, use 5-6 bullet points to list your top achievements and responsibilities
Use action verbs to make your responsibilities and achievements stand out
Add numbers to quantify your achievements
Previous Job Title Company City, State [Start date] — [End date]
For recent jobs, use 5-6 bullet points to list your top achievements and responsibilities
Use action verbs to make your responsibilities and achievements stand out
Add numbers to quantify your achievements
Oldest Job Title Company City, State [Start date] — [End date]
For older jobs, use 2-3 bullet points to list your top achievements and responsibilities
Use action verbs to make your responsibilities and achievements stand out
Add numbers to quantify your achievements
[Degree] in [Major] [University/college name] [Start date] - [Graduation date]
Soft Skills
Skill #1
Skill #2
Skill #3
Skill #4
Skill #5
Hard Skills
Skill #1
Skill #2
Skill #3
Skill #4
Skill #5
Additional Sections
Add any relevant additional sections (languages, licenses, publications, hobbies, etc.)
Resume templates
Resume templates that are designed to help you win aDigital Marketing Resume Contact Information
This part is as straightforward as it gets. You need to insert your contact information in your resume header so that recruiters can contact you if they want to give you a chance after reading your resume.
Contact Details
The details to add include:
Your name
Job title, which should match the one in the job ad
Professional email address
Updated phone number
(Optional) Location, which should only be included if you're applying for a job abroad and only consist of your city and state
(Optional) LinkedIn profile
(Optional) Website, as long as it’s relevant to digital marketing (e.g., digital marketing blog, website with personal projects, etc.)
Let’s check out an example:
Contact Information Example
Victor Maldonado
Digital Marketing Specialist
+ 804 290 2993
Richmond, VA
Digital Marketing Resume Objective or Summary

Think of your objective or summary as a hook to grab the reader’s attention. It should go at the top of your resume, be 2–4 sentences long, and highlight your key strengths to recruiters.
If you’re new to the field, you likely have little to no work experience. In that case, you should write a digital marketing resume objective to focus on your skills and career goals.
However, if you have a lot of work experience, you should use a resume summary to highlight your most important work achievements since that’s what usually interests recruiters the most.
Entry-Level Digital Marketer Resume Objective

When writing a digital marketing resume as a fresher, you can give recruiters a good idea of what you’re capable of by making your skills more prominent than your work history in a resume objective.
Here’s a good example:
Good Example
“Go-getting recent marketing graduate passionate about data analysis and a results-driven approach to SEO and content marketing strategies. Practiced optimization and conversion-oriented content refinement through internships and personal projects. Seeking to bring innovative thinking to a startup at ABC Solutions.”
What you don’t want to do is write a vague and directionless objective, like in the following example:
Bad Example
“Inexperienced digital marketing specialist looking to put my theoretical knowledge into practice and learn in your company.”
Experienced Digital Marketer Resume Summary
As a seasoned digital marketer, you can give recruiters a taste of what you’re capable of by writing a compelling digital marketing resume summary. Emphasize some of the most extraordinary results you’ve obtained, and you’ll entice them to keep reading.
Here’s an example:
Good Example
“Result-oriented digital marketer with 9+ years of experience working for SaaS companies. Prominent achievements include boosting conversion rates by up to 220% by improving paid marketing funnels. Looking to leverage my competence with both paid and organic marketing to help XYZ Company reach new customers.”
For comparison, here’s a resume summary that doesn’t provide any information of value and doesn’t have “a hook”:
Bad Example
“Digital marketing specialist with years of experience looking for a new job.”
Digital Marketing Resume Work Experience

The work experience section of your digital marketing resume directly describes your professional competence. Let’s see how you can make it perfect.
General Tips
Here’s the template to follow when listing previous jobs in the work experience section of your digital marketing resume:
Your role
The company’s name and location
Start and end dates of employment
Your responsibilities and results obtained
The best way to showcase your expertise would be through examples of your outstanding workplace accomplishments. Focus on the times when you exceeded expectations and hit noteworthy KPIs. You should also include between 3 and 5 of such achievements as bullet points underneath each previous job.
To make these moments stand out, you could use memorable action verbs and power words. Furthermore, you can substantiate them and make them more concrete through quantification with numbers and percentages.
No Digital Marketing Experience
Writing a digital marketing resume with no experience might sound like a daunting task until you realize that all the general principles remain the same. The only difference is that you’ll be leveraging things like volunteer work, personal projects, or internships over your work history.
Here’s an example:
Marketing Intern Example
Work Experience
Digital Marketing Intern
Vivid Communications
Lovingston, VA
May 2021–August 2022
Collaborated with a marketing team on a blog post for SEO purposes that increased website traffic by 27%
Improved a Facebook campaign ROI by 13% through A/B testing
Participated in 2-hour-long weekly meetings with a marketing team to brainstorm and discuss brand campaigns
Digital Marketing Professional Experience
The more experience you have, the more extensive this section will be. Even then, your goal should be quality over quantity. Focus on the professional endeavors that highlight your seniority and reflect the increased responsibility that comes with it.
Here’s a good example:
Senior Digital Marketing Manager Example
Work Experience
Senior Digital Marketing Manager
AdSoft Company
Boston, MA
January 2019–Current
Improved conversion rates by up to 370% through retargeting with Facebook ads and Google Ads
Managed a team of 5 content writers to create 300+ blog posts for SEO purposes
Conceptualized an affiliate marketing program that resulted in 110+ partners and upwards of $150,000 in monthly revenue
Digital Marketing Resume Education Section

The education section of your digital marketing resume is great for adding credibility to your skills. While a degree isn’t mandatory to do this line of work, it will make you look like a qualified candidate, which is especially important if you’re new to the field and lack the professional experience to showcase. Here are the details to include:
Your degree
The institution that issued it
Dates of attendance
(Optional) Prominent achievements
In practice, that looks like this:
Education Section Example
BSc Marketing
The University of West Alabama, Livingston, AL
GPA: 3.67
If you’re applying for a job while still studying, you can list your unfinished degree by putting “current” instead of a graduation date or marking it as “expected.” However, while you can include more than one degree in reverse-chronological order, you should omit your high school diploma unless it’s your highest one.
Digital Marketing Resume Skills

You should have a clean and concise digital marketing resume skills section that puts your most prominent abilities on display for recruiters.
However, you can do more with your skills than just include them in a list. What you should do is demonstrate them through specific examples in your resume objective, summary, and work experience section.
But before that, you need to figure out which skills recruiters are looking for. There are two types of skills that are vastly different in nature:
Hard skills, which are job-specific and often easily verifiable. You’ll often have degrees or certifications to back up these abilities.
Soft skills, which are transferable between professions and represent a combination of personality traits and attributes. They are much harder to prove but valuable in the workplace nonetheless.
You can find out which skills recruiters and potential employers want to see by researching the job ad and the company. Cross-reference your findings with the skills that you have, and you’ll end up with a solid list to include in your resume.
Then, in addition to creating a skills section, you should mention some of your key skills along with your accomplishments and the results you’ve obtained. That way, you’ll show the effect that your abilities have had on your performance, which will make them concrete in the eyes of recruiters.
Hard Digital Marketing Skills
Some of the most in-demand hard digital marketing skills are:
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Email marketing
Social media marketing
Data analysis
A/B testing
Soft Digital Marketing Skills
The soft skills you can add to your digital marketing resume include:
Attention to detail
Time management
Digital Marketing Tools
Digital marketers use all kinds of tools in their line of work, and listing them on your resume can give you some extra points with recruiters. Here are some examples:
Google Trends
Google Keyword Planner
Google Analytics
Digital Marketing Resume Optional Sections

Adding some optional sections to your resume is one of the best ways to customize it and further highlight your proficiency in the field.
Adding projects to your digital marketing resume is particularly useful if you lack work experience. If you have a lot of projects under your belt, you can highlight a couple of the most prominent ones and showcase the rest by adding a link to your portfolio in the contact information section of your resume.
Any relevant courses you've taken or certifications you've earned will go a long way toward giving your skills more credibility and making you look like a driven and goal-oriented candidate.
Communication is one of the most important soft skills in the workplace, and the ability to communicate in foreign languages looks good on any resume. Even if the job ad doesn’t specifically ask for it, you could include this bit of information as long as there’s room for it.
The best way to do it is to list languages based on your skill levels, starting with the one you know best.
Hobbies & Interests
Briefly mentioning your hobbies and interests can make you stand out as a passionate and enthusiastic candidate who could be fun to work with. This section becomes all the more important if your hobbies revolve around activities that could make you a better marketer, such as photography, design, blogging, etc.
Should You Submit a Cover Letter With Your Digital Marketing Resume?

Cover letter templates
Create a cover letter by filling in a free template and sharing it for freeOne of the quickest ways to set yourself apart from the competition is to submit a cover letter that matches your resume. The most efficient way to do it is to personally address the recruiter for increased effect and use 3–5 paragraphs to go into greater detail about your skills and achievements.
Expert Tips for Creating a Digital Marketing Resume
Lastly, here are some expert tips to help you polish your resume to perfection:
By keeping your resume neat and free of mistakes, you’ll not only create a professional document but also highlight your attention to detail.
Instead of adding more pages to your resume, you can use a cover letter to include additional valuable information.
It’s often easier to write an objective or a summary last, as they represent a synopsis of the resume.
If you’re listing multiple previous jobs in your work experience section, it’s generally best to do so in reverse-chronological order.
Let’s see everything that we’ve learned so far in practice by examining three digital marketing resume sample:
Closing Thoughts
That’s all you need to know to write a solid digital marketing resume!
This article contains everything from general rules to expert tips and digital marketing resume examples for inspiration. Feel free to save it if you ever need a refresher course. Other than that, all that’s left is to create a document from scratch or with the help of our resume builder. Best of luck!