If you want to turn your resume into a captivating masterpiece, you need to pay attention to what you’re writing. The best way to make your resume sound appealing is to use proper resume action verbs, power words, and buzzwords. All of these terms are used to describe words that will have a much greater impact on recruiters.
For example, you hear and say the word “expert” every day. It’s functional but bland and forgettable. However, if you use “savvy” or “proficient” instead, you sound much more interesting.
The bottom line is that resume action verbs and other buzzwords turn an ordinary resume into a gripping experience. For this reason, we prepared a list of the most effective action verbs that will help you show creativity right off the bat and stand out in the eyes of your hiring managers.
Key Takeaways
Resume action verbs act as keywords in the eyes of recruiters. They help you describe your most prominent skills and achievements better.
Some of the best resume action verbs are “Forged,” “Surpassed,” “Modernized,” “Streamlined,” and “Outperformed.”
Resume power words are used to trigger a positive emotional or psychological reaction from the recruiter and grab their attention.
Some of the best resume power words are “Championed,” “Structured,” “Yield,” “Heightened,” and “Instituted”.
Resume power adjectives emphasize specific parts of your resume and keep the reader engaged.
The most prominent resume power adjectives are “Agile,” “Savvy,” “Keen,” “Ardent,” and “Methodical.”
The best way to showcase your professional achievements is to use numbers in combination with power words.
What are Resume Action Verbs?

By definition, action verbs exist to describe an activity or a movement, i.e., to explain what someone or something does. When it comes to resumes, these types of verbs are the best way to show that you’re a doer and an achiever.
Using adequate resume action verbs is the best way to demonstrate your accomplishments. Not only will they show off your abilities in an exciting and compelling way, but they’ll also paint a colorful picture of your achievements while keeping the tone of the resume professional.
It’s worth noting that there are many different action verbs, which means you can always find a proper term for any feat you want to portray. However, keep in mind that some words are more impactful than others. The more information a single action verb is able to convey, the more powerful it is.
Here are 15 examples of good action verbs that you can use to talk about responsibilities:
15 Resume Action Verbs to Explain Responsibilities
1. Fulfilled 2. Accomplished 3. Assembled 4. Constructed 5. Coordinated 6. Delivered 7. Executed 8. Expanded 9. Finalized 10. Forged 11. Handled 12. Headed 13. Captured 14. Gathered 15. Concluded
What are Resume Power Words?
Power words are the words you can use to trigger a response. Numerous professionals use them since they are rather effective at causing emotional and psychological reactions. Copywriters, for example, use the incredibly persuasive nature of these words to promote products and services and grab customers’ attention.
When writing a resume, you want to use power words that will make you memorable. Smart and creative use of these words will let you stand out from your competition.
Plenty of recruiters have a lot of resumes to go through and never read all of them. Sometimes, they’ll just skim through a resume for as little as 6-7 seconds. That’s one of the many situations where power words shine.
Once the recruiter is focused on your resume, the job of power words is to make the reading enjoyable to the end.
If, for instance, you wanted to show your communicative and team-working skills, try one of the following words:
15 Resume Actions Verbs to Show Communication & Team-Working Skills
16. Amiable
17. Cheerful
18. Personable
19. Amicable
20. Cordial
21. Pleasant
22. Articulate
23. Courteous
24. Positive
25. Calm
26. Diplomatic
27. Respectful
28. Charming
29. Harmonious
30. Team-minded
How Action Verbs and Power Words Help Your Resume

Action verbs and power words help your resume in more ways than just capturing the hiring manager’s attention. Some companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS). An ATS is a piece of software that helps recruiters find the best candidates by scanning through a large number of resumes.
The software is more likely to accept your resume if it has a good number of strong power words. It sees some of them as keywords essential for your success. So, if your resume contains them, you have good chances of passing the scan. However, you should note that it’s only the first step.
Once a recruiter has your resume, action verbs and power words will show them that you’re unique and that you don’t blend in with the crowd. Everyone wants to show their qualifications, skills, and results in their resume. However, the majority of people are equal in all the fields, so it can be pretty hard to stand out from other applicants.
So, dress your resume up with action verbs and power words, and you’ll definitely make a good first impression on the hiring managers. After all, triggering an emotional or psychological response from a recruiter will take you one step further to your dream job!
The Ultimate List of 345+ Resume Action Verbs and Power Words
Ready to enrich your resume with some impactful action verbs and power words? Here’s a comprehensive list containing the best ones, listed based on the information that they convey. Some words describe certain characteristics, while others are used in different lines of work.
25 Resume Action Verbs for Listing Accomplishments
Here are the 25 best action verbs to describe your proudest achievements:
31. Authored
32. Achieved
33. Attained
34. Broadened
35. Capitalized
36. Consolidated
37. Deciphered
38. Decreased
39. Discerned
40. Drove
41. Enacted
42. Endeavored
43. Established
44. Pioneered
45. Overhauled
46. Sharpened
47. Shattered
48. Sparked
49. Originated
50. Steered
51. Stimulated
52. Strengthened
53. Surpassed
54. Educated
55. Fielded
25 Resume Action Verbs for Implementing Change & Improvements
Display your inventiveness with these 25 top action verbs:
56. Centralized
57. Converted
58. Customized
59. Digitized
60. Facilitate
61. Harmonized
62. Introduce
63. Merged
64. Modernized
65. Modified
66. Refitted
67. Redesigned
68. Refined
69. Refocused
70. Rehabilitated
71. Remodeled
72. Reorganized
73. Replaced
74. Restructured
75. Revamped
76. Revitalized
77. Streamlined
78. Transformed
79. Updated
80. Upgraded
Pro Tip
Variety is key when using action words in a resume. However, make sure you don’t use too many obscure or unusual words, as you risk making your resume appear unprofessional or illegible.
20 Resume Action Verbs for Having Reached Goals
Here are the 20 best action verbs to use to describe how you achieve your goals:
81. Completed
82. Demonstrated
83. Finished
84. Exceeded
85. Outperformed
86. Overcame
87. Reached
88. Showcased
89. Succeeded
90. Targeted
91. Prioritized
92. Solved
93. Actualized
94. Satisfied
95. Crowned
96. Carried-out
97. Put into effect
98. Polished
99. Materialized
100. Substantiated
20 Resume Action Verbs for Having Raised Funds
If you have worked on raising funds, here are the 20 best action verbs to describe your endeavors:
101. Acquired
102. Accrued
103. Affirmed
104. Bonded
105. Cleared
106. Closed
107. Guaranteed
108. Made official
109. Navigated
110. Netted
111. Negotiated
112. Pitched
113. Profited
114. Pledged
115. Secured
116. Sealed
117. Signed
118. Sourced
119. Upsold
120. Accelerated
20 Resume Action Verbs for Having Outperformed KPIs
Use these 20 top resume action verbs to describe the time you surpassed key performance indicators:
121. Advanced
122. Amplified
123. Augmented
124. Conserved
125. Compounded
126. Deducted
127. Enhanced
128. Elevated
129. Expedited
130. Furthered
131. Gained
132. Inflated
133. Lifted
134. Maximized
135. Magnified
136. Outpaced
137. Reconciled
138. Reduced
139. Saved
140. Yielded
Pro Tip
Many action verbs and power words are interchangeable. You can use them in different cases and situations. Just because they are listed in one group, does not mean they are exclusive to it.
15 Resume Action Verbs for Managers
To emphasize your skills as a manager, use some of these 15 top resume action verbs:
141. Communicated
142. Conceptualized
143. Detailed
144. Cultivated
145. Fostered
146. Guided
147. Mobilized
148. Endorsed
149. Recruited
150. Shaped
151. Supervised
152. Taught
153. Unified
154. Strategized
155. Storyboarded
15 Resume Action Verbs for Team Leaders
If you’re an avid team leader, these 15 action verbs will help you point that out:
156. Organized
157. Headed
158. Oversaw
159. Produced
160. Chaired
161. Delegated
162. Orchestrated
163. Diagramed
164. Programmed
165. Spearheaded
166. Administered
167. Operated
168. Formalized
169. Directed
170. Leveraged
15 Resume Action Verbs for Product Owners
Embellish your product owner resume with these 15 top action verbs:
171. Advocated
172. Recommended
173. Designed
174. Initiated
175. Charted
176. Developed
177. Formed
178. Launched
179. Documented
180. Proposed
181. Incorporated
182. Created
183. Formulated
184. Devised
185. Engineered
Pro Tip
Certain power words and action verbs are synonymous. If you have to, use different variants of the same action verb to keep your resume fresh and not be repetitive.
15 Resume Action Verbs for Communicators
Put your communication skills on display with one of these 15 resume action verbs:
186. Briefed
187. Campaigned
188. Coauthored
189. Composed
190. Convinced
191. Corresponded
192. Counseled
193. Critiqued
194. Illustrated
195. Lobbied
196. Outlined
197. Persuaded
198. Publicized
199. Reviewed
200. Wrote
15 Resume Action Verbs for Researchers
If you’re a competent researcher, one of these 15 action verbs will help you highlight that:
201. Assessed
202. Compiled
203. Examined
204. Explored
205. Interpreted
206. Interviewed
207. Investigated
208. Mapped
209. Measured
210. Modeled
211. Projected
212. Qualified
213. Quantified
214. Reported
215. Tracked
15 Resume Power Words for Entry-Level Roles
Make your entry-level position resume stand out by dressing it up with these 15 power words:
216. Cooperative
217. Consulted
218. Informed
219. Researched
220. Maintained
221. Collaborated
222. Earned
223. Generated
224. Identified
225. Obtained
226. Planned
227. Presented
228. Tested
229. Solved
230. Visualized
Pro Tip
Use everything in moderation. Don’t fill your resume with power words for the sake of it. The more you use them, the less value they carry. Make sure your resume only has power words where they are needed.
15 Resume Power Words for Junior Roles
If you’re a junior who wants to make a strong impression on recruiters, use these 15 top power words:
231. Effective
232. Level Headed
233. Reliable
234. Timely
235. Expeditious
236. Dependable
237. Punctual
238. Synergistic
239. Participating
240. Responsive
241. Reciprocal
242. Collegial
243. Acquisitive
244. Cohesive
245. Volunteered
15 Resume Power Words for Senior Executive Roles
Senior executives can accentuate their experience and accomplishments by using these 15 resume power words:
246. Championed
247. Coached
248. Enabled
249. Grew
250. Hired
251. Implemented
252. Integrated
253. Managed
254. Partnered
255. Advised
256. Aligned
257. Evaluated
258. Founded
259. Empowered
260. Defined
Pro Tip
When using power words, be careful not to appear pretentious. Use these words to emphasize your skills and achievements without exaggeration. Don’t go for over-the-top words like “demolished” or “destroyed.”
10 Resume Power Words for Administrative Positions
Create an impactful administrative resume by using some of these 10 power words:
261. Meticulous
262. Orderly
263. Supervise
264. Exact
265. Thorough
266. Fastidious
267. Coherent
268. Clear
269. Issued
270. Circulated
10 Resume Power Words for Marketing Positions
Highlight your skills as a marketer with the 10 top resume power words:
271. Improved
272. Resolved
273. Influenced
274. Increased
275. Structured
276. Ideas
277. Revenue
278. Profits
279. Under budget
280. Won
10 Resume Power Words for Business & Management Positions
These 10 resume power words will help underline your business and management skills:
281. Leading
282. Decisive
283. Inspected
284. Processed
285. Resolute
286. Represented
287. Conscientious
288. Particular
289. Principled
290. Straightforward
Pro Tip
Use a healthy mix of both generic and industry-specific power words. That way, you get the best of both worlds by showing creativity while painting yourself in a good light.
10 Resume Power Words for Hospitality Positions
These 10 power words will emphasize your hospitality traits and enhance your resume:
291. Resolve
292. Enhance
293. Initiate
294. Stimulate
295. Sustain
296. Increase
297. Perform
298. Yield
299. Capture
300. Drive
10 Resume Power Words for Customer Support Positions
If you’re applying for a customer support position, use these 10 power words to stand out from the competition:
301. Negotiate
302. Build
303. Generate
304. Expand
305. Field
306. Maximize
307. Merge
308. Outperform
309. Persuade
310. Win
10 Resume Power Words for Sales Positions
10 Resume Power Words for Sales Positions
Here are the top 10 resume power words to revamp your sales position resume:
311. Analyzed
312. Arranged
313. Boosted
314. Forecasted
315. Propagated
316. Introduced
317. Sustained
318. Summarized
319. Promoted
320. Efficient
Pro Tip
Show, don’t tell. Instead of merely talking about your abilities, use power words to display your achievements. Show exactly what you did and how your actions yielded results.
10 Resume Power Words for Education Jobs
Check out these top 10 power words to make your education resume eye-catching:
321. Clarified
322. Trained
323. Tutored
324. United
325. Heightened
326. Simplified
327. Supported
328. Mentored
329. Motivated
330. Relationship-building
10 Resume Power Words for Medical Jobs
If you're applying for a job in the medical field, using these 10 power words will help you go a long way:
331. Balanced
332. Benefited
333. Contributed
334. Enriched
335. Instituted
336. Lectured
337. Surveyed
338. Standardized
339. Proficient
340. Provided
10 Resume Power Words for Finance & Accounting Jobs
To best showcase your proficiency in accounting and finance, use these 10 resume power words:
341. Audited
342. Calculated
343. Classified
344. Collected
345. Equalized
346. Dispensed
347. Halted
348. Lowered
349. Minimized
350. Recognized
Pro Tip
Research the job posting, the hiring manager, and the company you’re applying to. Using action verbs and power words relatable to the position and the recruiter will carry the most impact.
10 Resume Power Words for IT Jobs
Make your IT resume stand out with these 10 catchy power words:
351. Architected
352. Incepted
353. Diagnosed
354. Published
355. Cataloged
356. Precise
357. Coded
358. Built
359. Perfectionist
360. Systematic
10 Resume Power Words for Engineering Jobs
These top 10 power words will help transform your engineering resume:
361. Accurate
362. Automated
363. Deployed
364. Detected
365. Innovated
366. Discovered
367. Installed
368. Networked
369. Rewrote
370. Troubleshoot
10 Resume Power Words for Creative Jobs
Show creativity right from the start with these 10 best resume power words:
371. Brainstormed
372. Curated
373. Derived
374. Drafted
375. Edited
376. Imagined
377. Inspired
378. Intensified
379. Proofread
380. Translated
Pro Tip
This is an extensive list of action verbs and power words, but there are always more. Feel free to be creative and embellish your resume with a personal touch, as long as you follow the guidelines.
Which Action Verbs and Power Words Should You Use in Your Resume?
When used properly, action verbs and power words are capable tools for resume-building. Utilizing them to their full extent is all about balance.
For starters, find a healthy mix of broad and specific power words. For example, use general power words to talk about your soft skills and people skills. Then, to cover all bases, add action verbs and power words that are specific to your industry.
Also, don’t put a large number of power words in the same spot. Spread them throughout the resume. While doing so, don’t repeat the same term more than necessary, even when they are far apart. There are plenty of synonyms that you can use. That way, you keep your resume interesting and the recruiter reading it engaged.
Lastly, with so many power words out there, it’s tempting to add one synonym after the next to your resume. Don’t overdo it and make sure you fully understand every term that you use.
How to Use Action Verbs and Power Words with Numbers?
It’s crucial to use numbers with resume action words. Showing quantifiable results is much more effective than talking about abstract achievements. Instead of talking about the “increased number of sales," say that you “boosted sales by 25%.”
The difference is obvious. The second example is much more likely to impress your hiring manager. Feel free to use numbers whenever you have the opportunity. It’s one of the best ways to prove you’d become a valuable addition to their company.
On the other hand, while numbers are powerful when used with resume action words, they need to be accurate. Make sure to only use numbers when you have evidence to back them up. If the recruiter asks you to expand on that part of your resume, you need to show concrete data. Otherwise, you create a counter effect and come off as insincere.
How to Use Action Verbs and Power Words in Your Resume Sections

Resume action verbs and power words need to be relevant and used in moderation. Spread them out and make sure every term relates to the skill, experience, or achievement you’re describing.
How to Use Resume Power Words in Your Resume Summary/Objective
A resume summary sits at the top of a resume. It’s the first thing hiring managers see, so it’s one of the resume’s most important sections. You only have a couple of sentences to talk about your relevant skills and achievements to convince the recruiter to keep reading. As a result, you want to use the most impactful power words here.
Since you only have a few lines of text to work with, every word is extremely important. Focus on your biggest strengths related to the position that you’re applying for. Then, use the most effective power words in your arsenal. Don’t insert too many of these terms and don’t use the most common ones.
How to Use Resume Power Words in Your Work Experience Section
Many recruiters think the most important part of your resume is the part about your work history. Because of that, it’s essential to use the right power words in it.
This is the section where you’ll list your previous employers, positions, skills, and more. Use industry-specific power words to describe your former positions and the results you achieved.
Mix it up with effective general power words to describe skills that you’ve learned. Make sure the information is relevant to the position you’re applying for, and be as detailed as you can.
How to Use Resume Power Words in Your Accomplishments Section
The accomplishment section of your resume can also make you stand out from the competition. It’s your chance to show off any achieved milestones in your professional or personal life. Use power words to emphasize the most important parts of the accomplishment section.
The hiring manager is looking for the achievements that make you a better candidate for the position. You can leave a lasting impression on the recruiter by emphasizing the relevant ones in your resume and employing strong power words.
Accomplishments are incredibly effective because they show tangible results. It’s even better for your resume if you manage to combine power words with numbers to show these, as long as the information is backed up by concrete evidence.
How to Use Resume Power Words in Your Skills Section

The skills section is another part of your resume where hiring managers spend more time. They look for the skills relevant to the role in their company. Getting this section right goes a long way in getting you to the next stage of the interview process.
The skills section of a resume is where many people use similar terms. That’s why it is more important than ever to use creative and compelling power words. That way, your list can have the same skills as a lot of other candidates, yet it can still be distinct and memorable.
What Are Resume Power Adjectives
Power adjectives are like resume action verbs and power words but can be used in more ways. They describe nouns or pronouns and further emphasize personal skills and professional achievements.
Power adjectives can be used throughout the whole resume. A good adjective can turn an ordinary sentence into an unforgettable one. Instead of saying, “I did some research,” try “I did extensive research.” Adjectives turn “very important” into “vital” and “very respected” into “prestigious.”
Smart use of power adjectives creates a captivating resume that the recruiter will enjoy reading. Using different kinds of adjectives keeps you from repeating yourself and keeps the reader engaged and interested in what you have to say. The more time the recruiter spends reviewing your resume, the more chances of success you have!
Best 30 Power Adjectives to Use in Your Resume
Here are the 30 most impactful power adjectives that will take your resume to a whole new level:
381. Diligent
382. Collaborative
383. Proactive
384. Prompt
385. Extensive
386. Smooth
387. Agile
388. Disciplined
389. Seasoned
390. Capable
391. Competent
392. Adept
393. Savvy
394. Dexterous
395. Veteran
396. Ambitious
397. Ardent
398. Eager
399. Earnest
400. Fervent
401. Keen
402. Driven
403. Productive
404. Eloquent
405. Crafty
406. Resourceful
407. Shrewd
408. Analytical
409. Methodical
410. Introspective
What are Resume Buzzwords?
Buzzwords create, well, buzz. They are smart, memorable, and just unconventional enough to grab someone’s attention. When used properly, buzzwords can help you pass the ATS with ease. They are also more than likely to pique a recruiter’s interest and get them to look into your resume more closely.
Buzzwords can be synonymous with resume action verbs and power words. Their goal is to be incredibly catchy and easily remembered. For example, an advertising agent might say in their resume that they fortified a brand’s position in the market. “Fortify” is an uncommon yet highly impactful word that is bound to improve your chances with the recruiter.
On the flip side, certain buzzwords are overused and can produce a countereffect. Avoid portraying yourself as a hard worker or go-getter.
Steer clear of adjectives such as “super,” “great,” or “excellent.” You can find these terms in the vast majority of resumes—and no, they aren’t nearly as effective as they seem. The recruiters are used to them, so they’ll simply glance over them and move on. Replace them with more exciting synonyms or cut them entirely. That way, you’ll rise above an average candidate and be one step closer to acing the interview.
15 Resume Buzzwords to Use in Your Resume
Here are the 15 catchiest buzzwords for your resume:
411. Honed
412. Rehearsed
413. Well-versed
414. Bettered
415. Revised
416. Exercised
417. Fortified
418. Warranted
419. Voiced
420. Studied
421. Vigorous
422. Clear-cut
423. On-target
424. Determinate
425. Unequivocal
15 Resume Buzzwords to Avoid in Your Resume
Avoid putting any of these 15 buzzwords in your resume. Instead, use some of the examples mentioned above:
426. Excellent
427. Go-Getter
428. Hard worker
429. Strategic thinker
430. Outside the box
431. Responsible for
432. Expert
433. Innovative
434. Specialized in
435. Synergized
436. Results-driven
437. Team Player
438. Detail Oriented
439. Super
440. Great
Closing Thoughts
Buzzwords, resume action words, and power adjectives are potent weapons in a job candidate’s arsenal. When used properly, they can transform an ordinary resume into a riveting experience.
These terms help you pass the screening test, make you more memorable to the hiring managers, and give you a head start in the recruitment process.
We’ve listed 435+ power words, verbs, and adjectives to choose from. Study them thoroughly and you’ll find plenty that may suit your resume. And, needless to say, these will also help you land your dream job in no time!
Resume Action Words FAQ
#1. How can I make my resume stand out?
Power words are an excellent way to make your resume stand out. Avoid using the most common terms like “expert” or “super” because they aren’t catchy, and recruiters tend to ignore them. Instead, use impactful words like “savvy” or “clear-cut”. A creative way of presenting yourself will make your resume memorable and give you much higher chances of success.
#2. What are good verbs for a resume?
Good resume action verbs explain not only what you did but also how you did it. Instead of simply mentioning that you were leading a team, talk about how you gathered a group, accomplished a task, and delivered the results. Avoid ordinary, overused action verbs and focus on less common, more creative terms.
#3. What are good action words for a resume?
There are both good general and industry-specific action words. Depending on the position you’re applying for, the line of work, and your skills and achievements, you can choose from a host of unique, high-quality action words.
For increased productivity, use terms like “amplified” or "enhanced." For doing research, use "compiled," “examined,” or "quantified." These are just some of the hundreds of good action words to mold your resume into perfection.
#4. How can I showcase my accomplishments on a resume?
Focus on your accomplishments related to the position and the company you’re applying to. Also, you can use numbers to quantify the results when you have concrete data to back them up. That way, you’ll make a strong impression on the recruiter and show that you produce actual results.
#5. What are strong action verbs you can use in a resume?
Strong action verbs portray you as an enthusiastic and determined person. Use “orchestrated” or “spearheaded” if you led a project. Or explain how you “digitized” and “integrated” a project while improving it.
#6. What words should you avoid on a resume?
Avoid overused buzzwords that have lost all meaning. Power words that the majority of candidates use will not grab the recruiter’s attention and will make you blend in with the rest. Similarly, avoid using power words to only describe your skills without showing actual results. Finally, don’t use unprofessional buzzwords, cliches, and nonsensical jargon.