The art of negotiation is essential in the business world. You need this skill to make partnerships, close deals, persuade clients, and so on. But before all that, you need to know how to negotiate a salary to secure a compensation package that best suits your needs and qualifications.
Whether you’re an entry-level candidate only getting into the field or a seasoned veteran looking to advance their career, it’s crucial to know how to negotiate your salary for financial security and professional satisfaction.
In this article, we’ll guide you through the entire negotiation process to show you what to do. Let’s get started!
Key Takeaways
The first thing you should do before starting salary negotiations is research to gain market insight and details about the company that you’re applying to.
To prepare for the conversation, pick the right time and rehearse in advance with a friend or a mentor.
During the meeting, you should maintain a positive tone while being honest and confident.
You should ask for a specific salary instead of giving a range, as it conveys confidence in your collaboration skills and shows that you did research.
If you successfully negotiate your salary, ensure that you get an official offer in writing, and remember to express your gratitude.
If you don’t get a desired answer, ask for clarifications and give counter-arguments, but know when to stop negotiating.
Step #1. Do the Research

Doing the research is a vital step that ensures you have enough information to use when negotiating salary. Let’s find out how you can ace this part of the process.
#1. Research Industry & Market Trends
Your first step should be to research the company and the industry that you’re in and to examine the current market trends. This includes figuring out how big the demand for your role is, the job outlook, whether there are any location factors to consider, and so on.
You can conduct this research by looking into industry-specific reports and surveys, asking your professional contacts, attending a relevant networking event, and more. All that knowledge and information will give you a solid foundation for negotiation.
Understanding the current trends and circumstances in the job market can help you predict what the company that you’re applying to might offer.
#2. Know Your Value
Knowing your value is important because you can then combine that with information about the industry trends. That way, you’ll get an accurate idea of where you stand compared to other professionals and job-seekers in the field.
This step involves self-evaluation, as you want to examine everything from your hard and soft skills to your degrees, certifications, and experiences in previous roles. Your understanding of your own qualifications and knowledge of what you can contribute to the company act as leverage when you negotiate for a higher salary.
That way, you can go into the discussion from a position of strength. You won’t risk making unsubstantiated claims, as the salary you are going to negotiate over will match your abilities and seniority.
#3. Get Insight From Recruiters
You can get plenty of information from recruiters and hiring managers during the initial correspondence and job interviews. These first steps in the application process aren’t just about the company evaluating candidates but vice versa as well.
This is vital, as you can get valuable information about the company and its perspective first-hand. You can get their viewpoint on the job market and the position that they are offering, as well as more specific details regarding compensation.
All of that reduces the chances that you overestimate or underestimate your salary expectations. However, that doesn’t mean you should start salary negotiations immediately. It’s much better to save that conversation for later when the hiring manager or employer initiates it.
#4. Write Down Important Points
Writing down the critical points you discovered during the research is crucial. You should keep track of everything, from your relevant summary of qualifications and notable achievements on resume to quantifiable market data and details obtained from recruiters and hiring managers. You also want to include the desired salary and key reasons why you deserve it.
This step is important for several reasons. Firstly, having everything neatly documented allows you to stay on top of the situation and not forget crucial details during the negotiation. It also gives you a clear overview of all the information that you’ve gathered, helping you spot whether there’s something you should look into further.
Step #2. Prepare for the Conversation

After gathering all the necessary details through research, you should use that to prepare for the conversation.
#1. Set up the Right Time
Knowing the right time to start a salary negotiation is as important as the negotiation itself. In general, you want to do it after you’ve already established rapport with the recruiter or hiring manager and had a couple of discussions or interviews.
You want to have gathered enough information to be able to make an educated guess and a viable estimate of your salary expectations before initiating the talk. Furthermore, you’ll have better chances of succeeding after you’ve thoroughly communicated your unique skills and work experiences to recruiters, explaining to them how you can contribute to their organization.
Lastly, you should avoid initiating salary negotiations via email. While that’s acceptable, the conversation is much better done over the phone or in person. On the flip side, if the company sends you an offer via email, you should put your email writing skills to work and respond in the same manner.
#2. Prepare the Questions to Ask
Salary negotiation is a dialogue, so you are inclined to ask interviewers questions instead of just answering theirs. By doing so, you can get more valuable information about the company, the position that you’re applying to, and the compensation package.
Furthermore, questions can expand the conversation and help both parties approach it from multiple angles, leading to more favorable outcomes. That’s why you want to prepare a list of multiple questions that you can ask about the company, team, position, compensation package, benefits, and more.
#3. Rehearse With a Friend
You should take the time to practice the negotiation conversation with a friend, family member, or mentor. The rehearsal should be as similar to the real conditions as possible. You want to dress the part, pay attention to the tone of your voice, your manners, the structure of your conversation, the way you respond to the opposing side’s arguments, and more.
This step is vital, as written research and preparation can only get you so far without practice. Once you get into the conversation, you can spot whether there are some areas where you can improve or if you’ve forgotten crucial information. It can also help prepare you for the real event and reduce any anxiety you might have.
The end goal is to make you more confident and natural. That way, you won’t get caught off-guard by unforeseen circumstances, and you’ll better handle the nuances of such a conversation.
Step #3. Attend the Salary Negotiation Meeting

Now that we’ve learned how to prepare and set a solid foundation for a conversation, let’s find out how to negotiate salary and what to do during the actual meeting.
#1. Be Honest and Confident
You want to be confident during the meeting and present your case honestly. Be straightforward with your salary expectations, and then back up your requests with all the information you’ve obtained during the research.
Show hiring managers or potential employers what you can bring to their organization and demonstrate how valuable your work is. Your goal is to express yourself clearly and assertively without coming off as braggy and arrogant.
Be precise and concise with your explanation, and make sure to address any questions and concerns from the other side politely. Finally, try not to over-explain and digress from the main point.
#2. Avoid Using a Range
Research in the field of experimental social psychology shows that precise offers are much more effective than ranges. Exact numbers anchor negotiating counterparties and increase your chances of getting the salary that you’re expecting.
Precise offers convey confidence and knowledge about market conditions. They indicate that you know the ins and outs of your field and the value that you can bring to the organization. On the other hand, to negotiate salary when given a range, you can ask for the higher end of the range or even exceed it if that matches your qualifications and market conditions.
Another thing you should avoid is using rounded numbers. For example, instead of asking for a $60,000 yearly salary, you’re much better off starting the negotiation with an exact number, like $61,150. That way, you further emphasize the idea that you’re well-informed and know your worth.
#3. Use a Positive Tone
A positive tone and attitude can improve the outcome of a negotiation. That’s why you should maintain a respectable and upbeat atmosphere and foster friendly conversation. Focus on the beneficial aspects of the negotiation and emphasize how both parties are going to prosper should you reach an agreement.
Furthermore, by maintaining a positive tone during negotiations, you emphasize your professionalism and composure while fostering a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. That will help you build rapport with the counterparty and increase the odds of coming to an amicable agreement.
The last thing you want to do is become upset or angry. Even if the conversation doesn’t go the way you were hoping it would, you should remain calm, collected, and professional to the end.
#4. Be Ready to Walk Away
Ultimately, you should be ready to walk away if the proposed terms don’t meet your minimum expectations. You should set your boundaries in advance and have a clear understanding of what you want to get from the company in return for your skills and experiences.
This is a crucial step in learning how to negotiate salary. In certain instances, your readiness to walk away can incentivize employers and hiring managers to accept your terms. Knowing how to end a job interview is a skill on its own.
However, even if that doesn’t happen, you’ll leave, showing that you’re confident in your competence. You can always find another company whose goals and interests align with yours and where you’ll end up with a more favorable deal.
What to Do If You Have Successfully Negotiated Your Desired Salary

Now that we know how to negotiate salary in an interview, let’s find out what to do after we’ve come to a favorable agreement.
#1. Get It in Writing
After you’ve successfully negotiated, you want to get the terms in writing. This is important as it turns previously spoken or informally written agreements into an official document. A formal offer letter with all the necessary details, such as salary, start dates, benefits, and more, solidifies the proposal and legally protects both parties of the negotiation.
Moreover, you should carefully review the official offer to check whether it contains all the terms that you’ve agreed upon. It’s a vital step to ensure there are no misunderstandings, inconsistencies, or discrepancies. Only after all that should you consider signing the letter and formally accepting the offer.
#2. Express Your Gratitude
Salary negotiations can be lengthy processes that require time and energy from multiple parties. As a result, you should express your gratitude and thank everyone involved. This is important as it further builds rapport with the members of the organization that you’re likely to join.
It showcases professionalism and consideration on your end, presenting you as a respectful and compassionate individual. You can express gratitude toward the end of an interview by thanking the hiring managers and potential employers for their time and patience. Another way to do it is to send a cordial thank-you email and show appreciation in an amiable way.
#3. Formally Accept the Offer
Your final step in the salary negotiation process is to formally accept the offer. The employers will usually send you the contract and give you a timeframe during which you need to review, sign, and send it back.
Of course, sometimes you may end up rejecting the offer, even if the negotiations were successful. It’s not uncommon for job seekers to apply for multiple positions simultaneously and get several favorable offers.
In these cases, you want to consider all the offers to find the one that suits you best. After that, you want to accept the position of choice while respectfully declining other job offers.
What to Do If You Are Not Getting the Desired Answer

Receiving an unfavorable offer doesn’t necessarily mean you should stop the discussion. Let’s find out how to negotiate salary and what to do when you’re not getting the desired answer.
#1. Ask For Clarification
If you’re not getting the desired answer, the first thing you should do is ask for clarification. That will help you understand the hiring manager’s and employer’s perspectives and see their reasoning behind the offer.
You can learn whether there is a specific budget for the role that you’re applying for, if it’s part of the company’s policy, whether they have concerns about your skills and qualifications, and more. Their feedback will allow you to respond accordingly, adjust your approach, and address relevant points in a more precise manner.
Ultimately, you want to remain calm and collected and continue the negotiation in a professional and constructive manner.
#2. Make Counter-Arguments
You can use the feedback you receive from hiring managers and employers to provide strong counter-arguments and strengthen your position. Leverage information that you obtained while researching to restate what makes you a strong candidate for the role.
If their concern was regarding your qualifications, you want to highlight specific skills and achievements that can persuade them otherwise. On the other hand, if you feel like their offer doesn’t match market conditions, you can point out quantifiable data to back up your reasoning.
A well-thought-out counter-argument can change the direction of the conversation. Moreover, you’ll demonstrate additional knowledge and confidence, both of which can improve the chances of a successful negotiation.
#3. Ask Questions
If you start feeling that the negotiation isn’t going in a favorable direction or is even coming to a halt, you can ask a few open-ended questions. This can reinvigorate the conversation, and you can use the opportunity to find out more about the company and its expectations.
Some of the questions you can ask include:
Example Questions
“What are the requirements for the salary I’m seeking?”
“Are there any details from me that you want to know regarding the role?”
“Are there other benefits or types of compensation that you offer for this position?”
These questions can broaden the scope of the conversation and give both parties opportunities to explore new ways of approaching the negotiation.
#4. Know When to Stop
Knowing how to negotiate salary also means you should know when to stop. Sometimes, the goals of both parties will diverge so much that there’s no possibility of a favorable outcome for everyone.
If you realize that the conversation has run its course and that you haven’t managed to meet the opposing party halfway despite your best efforts, it might be time to look into other opportunities.
Still, it’s important to maintain a professional and respectable tone to the very end. You should recognize that any further discussion might do more harm than good and thank the hiring manager or employer for their time.
Salary Negotiation Email Example
Let’s put all that we’ve seen thus far into practice and learn how to negotiate salary through an email sample:
Salary Negotiation Email Example
Dear Mr. Smith,
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for the job offer package you sent regarding the Senior Data Analyst position at Quantum Inc. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team.
Before I can accept your offer, I would like to discuss the proposed salary. With my extensive experience in the field of 10+ years, I have developed robust models that boosted the last company’s revenue by 17% within 6 months of implementation. Considering my proven track record and verified excellence in data processing speed, I am seeking a salary of $125,500, which matches my competence and qualifications.
I am confident in my ability to help Quantum Inc. exceed its revenue expectations this year, and I look forward to discussing the salary further.
Kind regards, Jane Doe
Final Thoughts
Knowing how to negotiate salary is vital in today’s dynamic business environment. This intricate process involves everything from research and preparation to conversation and active listening.
Remember that you’re not just asking for higher pay; you’re recognizing what you bring to the company and how valuable your skills and experience are. Once you establish that, it’ll be easier to confidently present your case and back up your requests with arguments.
Now that you know how to negotiate a salary offer or recognize if it is time to stop the interview, you’re one step closer to a compelling compensation package. Best of luck job hunting!
How to Negotiate Salary FAQ
#1. How do you politely negotiate salary?
To politely negotiate salary, you should maintain a positive and respectable tone throughout the conversation. Research to prepare and gain useful information about market trends and your qualifications so that you can remain confident and back up your requests and claims with quantifiable data.
#2. How do you negotiate a salary after receiving a job offer?
You can negotiate a salary after receiving a job offer by leveraging concrete information that justifies your counteroffer. Unless the initial offer explicitly states that salary is non-negotiable, you can discuss everything from a salary to the benefits, your position, location, and more.
#3. Should I accept the first salary offer?
You shouldn’t accept the first salary offer, as it typically prevents you from negotiating for a better offer down the road. In some instances, the initial offer can be final, but you can still ask hiring managers how they came up with the number to confirm if that’s the case.
#4. What are common mistakes when negotiating a salary?
Some of the most common mistakes when negotiating a salary revolve around being unprepared. If you don’t have data about market conditions, you can undervalue your work or think that you might offend the employer by asking for too much.