BlogJob SearchHow to Accept a Job Offer: Step-by-Step Guide [w/ Examples]

How to Accept a Job Offer: Step-by-Step Guide [w/ Examples]

how to accept a job offer

Knowing how to accept a job offer is just as important as nailing the interview process. Accepting the offer in an elegant manner sets the tone for the future of your professional relationship with the employer. Plus, it allows you to potentially negotiate better terms and ensure you’re getting the best outcome possible.

In this article, we’ll show you what to do before accepting a job offer, as well as how to accept it. We’ll also give you an email sample of how to accept a job offer and explain when to do it via phone. 

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to accept a job offer helps you build rapport with your new employer and coworkers.

  • Before accepting a job offer, you should analyze it carefully, ask for clarification on things you don’t understand, and potentially prepare for negotiations.

  • You should respond in a timely manner and confirm the details of the offer in your message.

  • You should also know how to accept a job offer via phone in case you receive it during a call with a hiring manager or an employer.

5+ Important Things to do Before Accepting a Job Offer

email cover letter

There are several steps you should take before accepting a job offer to maximize the chances of getting the most favorable outcome, including:

#1. Ask for More Time

Before accepting a job offer, you can ask for more time to analyze it to ensure you make the best decision. Having a day or two—or even a whole week—to think about the offer relieves the pressure and gives you enough breathing room to consider it carefully.

When asking for more time to review the job offer, you want to be polite and professional. You should also be timely in your response and promptly inform the hiring manager or employer that you’ll need more time to process all the information.

Here’s a simple example of how you can ask for more time in an email:

Good Example

“Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am excited to join your organization, but I would like some time to review the offer carefully. When do you need a response?”

#2. Express Gratitude

You should express gratitude for the job offer even if you’re still evaluating it. A simple thank-you note upon receiving the offer is enough to express your enthusiasm for the role and demonstrate a professional demeanor.

This builds rapport with the employer and helps you better integrate into the team once you join their organization. Moreover, by showing gratitude and fostering goodwill with the employer, you increase your chances of successfully negotiating better terms of your employment.

Let’s see a simple example of a thank-you email sent upon receiving a job offer:

Good Example

“Thank you for extending this job offer. I appreciate the effort you put into the hiring process and your confidence in my abilities. I am excited for the opportunity to join your team.”

#3. Review the Job Offer Thoroughly

Before accepting the job offer, it’s vital to review it thoroughly. This is important, as you want to make sure that the terms received align with what was discussed during the interview or offered in the job ad.

That’s why you want to review every aspect of the offer, including your salary, paid vacation days, benefits, job title, work hours, start date, etc. You should also consider some more specific aspects, such as overtime expectations, options to work remotely, bonuses and retirement benefits, and more.

By carefully examining the offer, you’ll ensure it aligns perfectly with your needs and career goals. If you notice inconsistencies or find some parts unclear, you can ask the employer or hiring manager for clarification to ensure you’ve made an informed decision.

#4. Prepare for a Potential Negotiation

Sometimes, a job offer is not good enough for you to accept as is, in which case you want to prepare for negotiations. You should start negotiating after receiving the informal offer to ensure that the formal one better matches your needs.

While salary negotiations are the most common, you should also be mindful of other aspects of the offer, such as benefits, bonuses, or flexible work schedules. For optimal chances of success, you should research the industry and other companies to see what a typical offer should have for the position you’re after.

By combining the insights found through research with your skills and qualifications, you’ll determine what you can negotiate about. Setting realistic expectations can help you reach an outcome that’s good for everyone involved.

#5. Clarify Some Terms

Some terms and details of a job offer can remain unclear even after you’ve carefully examined everything. That’s when you want to ask for more details to ensure you fully understand the employer’s proposition.

Typical areas where you might need clarification include performance expectations, bonuses, and probation periods. For instance, the offer might mention performance-based bonuses but not say anything more than that. That’s when you want to ask for more information to clarify any uncertainties.

Here’s a sample question you can send to clarify some terms in a job offer:

Good Example

“I noticed the offer contains performance-based bonuses. Can you clarify how performance and bonuses are calculated and when they are usually awarded?”

#6. Inquire Regarding the Next Steps

If you’ve carefully reviewed the offer and are satisfied with it, you should still inquire regarding the next steps before accepting it. Knowing what comes afterward helps you smoothly and successfully navigate the onboarding process.

For instance, you might want to know whether the employer will require any additional paperwork or if there is something specific you should do to prepare for onboarding.

Inquiring regarding the next steps shows a proactive approach to employment and further demonstrates your enthusiasm to start working. Plus, it gives you a clear timeline to follow and reduces any friction that comes from joining a new organization.

How to Accept a Job Offer

to whom it may concern

Now that you know what to do beforehand, let’s see how to accept a job offer like a competent professional.

#1. Send Your Response in a Timely Manner

It’s imperative to send your response in a timely manner. That way, you show respect for the employer’s time while demonstrating professionalism and enthusiasm. Delaying your reply without explanation can come off as unprofessional or indicate that you want to decline a job offer.

In general, you should aim to send your response within 24 to 48 hours. Even if you’ve verbally discussed and informally accepted the offer, you should still send a job offer acceptance email to make it official.

#2. Confirm the Details

While accepting a job offer, you want to confirm all the relevant details to ensure you’re on the same page as your employer. This includes mentioning your starting date, salary, benefits, work hours, etc.

You want to be clear and specific to eliminate any chance of misunderstanding. For instance, you can include a sentence like this:

Good Example

“As per your offer, I will be starting on [date], and my initial salary will be [amount] with [number] of days of paid vacation.”

#3. Proofread Your Response

Lastly, you want to carefully proofread your response before submitting it. A well-written job acceptance email demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail. On the flip side, even a minor mistake or a typo can send the wrong kind of impression and demonstrate carelessness.

Furthermore, by proofreading your response, you’ll see whether there are areas to improve. You want to leverage your writing skills to make the message clear and concise. The tone should be cordial and professional.

For an additional layer of safety, you can ask a friend, colleague, or mentor to review your response before you submit it. A fresh pair of eyes might spot mistakes or inconsistencies that you did not.

Accepting a Job Offer Email Example

Let’s put everything that we’ve learned into practice and check out a complete example of how to accept a job offer via email:

Good Email Example

Subject: Job Offer Acceptance - Jonathan Williams

Dear Ms. Sandoval,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally accept your job offer for the position of Front-end Developer at Red Mist Tech.

As discussed, my starting salary will be $65,500 annually with 15 days of paid time off and the company matching 5% of my 401(k) contributions. I understand that flexible work-from-home arrangements include three days per week, and your comprehensive medical coverage includes dental and vision plans.

I am excited to join your team next Monday, September 23. Please let me know if there are any additional steps I should take or documents I should prepare before my start date. Thank you again for this incredible opportunity—I look forward to contributing to your company’s success!

Sincerely, Jonathan Williams

This example has everything you need to learn how to accept a job offer. It has a precise subject line, a formal acceptance, confirmation of relevant details, and a thank-you note. You can follow this formula to write your letter of acceptance regardless of the role you’re hired for.

Accepting a Job Offer Via Phone

Accepting a job offer via phone is typically an informal way of doing it. Employers can often make an informal offer during an in-person conversation or phone interview. However, even if you accept it, you should ask for a formal offer documented by email or letter that outlines all the specifics.

Regardless, you need to know what to say when accepting a job offer this way to express professionalism and enthusiasm. Here’s what the initial response can look like:

Good Example

“Thank you so much for the offer. I am excited about the opportunity to join your organization.”

Following that, you want to confirm the essential details, such as your start date, salary, and benefits. Finally, you can ask to receive a formal offer in writing or send the request via email or message after the call.

Knowing how to accept a job offer over the phone gives you several advantages. Firstly, you can immediately address any concerns and get the clarification you need. It’s also a more personal way to accept a job offer. Finally, the immediate response you get from the other party can be useful when negotiating for a better offer.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of accepting a job offer this way is a lack of written record. That’s why you’ll have to ask for it afterward. Also, people with nervousness and interview anxiety may prefer a more relaxed method of communicating, which is via email.

Final Thoughts

You’ve submitted an outstanding resume and cover letter and aced the interview. Still, you need to know how to accept a job offer to build rapport with your new employer and coworkers right off the bat. This is also essential in setting the stage for favorable negotiations, should you like to receive a better deal.

Ultimately, it’s best to know how to accept a job offer verbally and in written form to ensure that you’re prepared for every occasion. That way, you won’t get caught off guard if a hiring manager or employer gives you an informal offer during a job interview, and you’ll know exactly how to write a professional job offer acceptance email.

Kervin Peterson
Kervin Peterson
Career Coach
Whether you need help preparing for an interview, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, or creating a resume, you can rest assured that our dear Kervin Peterson can help! Kervin is a man who can turn obstacles into experience with his eyes closed, always striving to bring the most to the table. Other than being a career coach, he’s a new dad and loves nothing more than hitting the gym and spending time with his family!

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