BlogJob InterviewsJob Rejection Email Response: A Detailed Guide

Job Rejection Email Response: A Detailed Guide

Job rejection email response

A carefully written job rejection email response has several purposes. Firstly, it’s a way to let the recruiters know you acknowledge their decision and thank them for considering you for the job. Secondly, it’s a perfect opportunity to show your continued interest in working for the company and possibly leave the door open for future job openings.

Moreover, a job rejection email response is a chance to ask for feedback so that you can improve your weak points for other interviews.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to reply to an email for an unsuccessful job application and offer some job rejection email response examples that you can tweak and tailor to your situation.

Key Takeaways

  • A well-crafted job rejection email response is a good opportunity to reaffirm your interest in working for the company and open the door for potential future positions.

  • When responding to a job rejection email, make sure you stay graceful, professional, and respectful.

  • Maintain a positive tone throughout your job rejection email response.

  • Staying in contact with the recruiter can benefit your professional network and lead to more job offers in the future.

  • If the hiring manager provides feedback on why you weren’t selected for the job, use it to your advantage and work on your weak points to grow professionally.

Should You Respond to a Job Rejection?

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A rule of thumb is that you should respond to a job rejection, although there are some exceptions, which we’ll discuss later.

Responding to a job rejection email shows good manners and professionalism, both desirable qualities in a prospective employee. 

But why is demonstrating professionalism and manners important if you get rejected? 

Well, you should always view job interviews as professional networking opportunities, regardless of the outcome. Thus, given that following up after a rejection email leaves a good impression on a hiring manager, with a bit of luck, your simple act may lead them to consider you for a future job opening within the company.

Lastly, there’s always a possibility the applicant chosen for the position may decline the offer for another job or underperform during their trial period. You may be next in line, and your response can raise your chances of getting hired.

However, if you’re wondering whether you should reply to a rejection email without an interview, the short answer is that you have no obligation to do so. However, you can send a brief email to thank the recruiter for notifying you and possibly ask for some feedback. You are unlikely to get it, but it’s worth a try. 

How to Respond to a Job Rejection: 4 Key Elements

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Now that we’ve explained why, let’s see how to respond to a job rejection politely. There are several points you need to cover to convey your professionalism and good manners.

Stay tuned as we list all of them to help you learn how to accept job rejection gracefully.

#1. Express Your Gratitude

There are several things you should express your gratitude for when writing a job rejection email response.

For starters, you can thank the recruiter for letting you know about their decision. Afterward, express your gratitude for having been interviewed. Remember, interviewing multiple job applicants is a time- and energy-consuming process. If your interviewer was a gracious host, give them the same courtesy. 

Finally, thank them for giving you the opportunity to meet the team and learn more about the company.

However, keep in mind that your job rejection email response should be concise and brief, so try to cover this part in a few short sentences before moving on to the next one.

#2. Show That You Are Disappointed

Honesty is the best policy, so be truthful and show that you’re disappointed about not getting hired. Although you may think this part is irrelevant or even redundant, showing disappointment displays a genuine interest in working for the company.

Having said that, remember not to dwell on this part, as your job rejection email response should maintain a positive tone.

#3. Show That You Are Still Interested

The purpose of a job rejection email response is to leave the door open for future opportunities in the company, so it should show that you’re still interested in working there. In fact, you can be straightforward and ask the hiring manager directly to keep you on their radar for other positions that may open up.

Being open about your continued interest in the company lets them know they can contact you if there’s a role you’d be a suitable fit for.

#4. Ask for Feedback

In addition to paving the way for future career prospects within the company, a job rejection email response provides an opportunity to solicit feedback and learn the reasons behind your rejection. They can help you improve yourself and thus raise your chances of getting hired in the future.

However, you must formulate your question tactfully to avoid appearing demanding or questioning the recruiter’s decision—a polite appeal is the best approach.

That being said, note that the rejection may not be related to your professional skills or personality. Moreover, requesting feedback is more appropriate for inexperienced candidates than for those who already have years of work in the industry behind them.

2 Impactful Examples of Job Rejection Email Responses

Let’s look at two examples of how to reply to a rejection email.

#1. Job Rejection Email Response Following an Interview

Good Example #1

Subject line: Audrey Bennett - Re: Monday Job Interview at 4 pm

Dear Mrs. Peterson,

Thank you for notifying me about your hiring decision. While I’m disappointed about not being selected for the Social Media Specialist position, I’m grateful for the opportunity to interview for the job and learn more about the company. I’m glad I got to meet the team, and I’d appreciate it if you would keep me on file for any future job openings in your organization.

If you can spare a few minutes, I’d be thankful if you could provide feedback on my application and interview. Any insight you may offer would be helpful in my job search and career development.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope we’ll have our paths meet again in the future, and I wish all the best to you and your team moving forward.

Sincerely, Audrey Bennett 646-851-7120

#2. Job Rejection Email Response Without an Interview

Good Example #2

Subject line: Christopher Mills - Re: Wednesday Job Interview at 11 am

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I appreciate you taking the time to consider my application and letting me know about your decision. Even though I’m disappointed that I wasn’t selected for the position of Project Manager, I understand you had numerous qualified candidates to choose from.

I wish you and the company all the best in your upcoming ventures.

Kindest regards, Christopher Mills 440-683-4951

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Here are some extra tips for responding to job rejection:

4 Additional Tips for Responding to Job Rejection

  • Don’t act impulsively, but respond in a timely manner. Job rejections are frustrating, but however upset you may feel, don’t act on impulse. Writing an angry email may bring you momentary relief, but it won’t help maintain a professional image. However, don’t wait too long to respond either, or the positive impression you’ve hopefully left on the recruiter will fade.

  • Respect the recruiter’s decision, but don’t hesitate to reiterate your values. Regardless of how much you want the job, you need to respect the recruiter’s decision not to hire you. Having said that, you should continue to take pride in your soft and hard skills, though, so don’t hesitate to take the opportunity to reiterate them to the hiring manager.

  • Don’t insist on feedback, but seek to stay in contact. To stay informed about new opportunities within the organization, you can politely inquire about connecting with the recruiter on LinkedIn. That way, you’ll showcase genuine interest in working with them and broaden your professional network. However, don’t use that connection to insist on feedback, especially if you’re an industry veteran.

  • Cover all the points, but don’t dwell on any of them. Make sure to cover all the important points, including your job rejection email response subject line, and let your communication skills shine through. However, remember not to go on and on in any part of your response; it should be brief and concise.

Final Thoughts

Although it may appear pointless, responding to job rejection can impact your career development in multiple ways. You should consider it a chance to restate your interest in the company and grow your professional network. Both can result in new career opportunities down the line.

Your job rejection email response should be concise yet personal, so don’t shy away from respectfully reminding the recruiter of your qualifications and expertise. “Respectfully” is the operative word, so make sure your professionalism and grace shine through.

Kervin Peterson
Kervin Peterson
Career Coach
Whether you need help preparing for an interview, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, or creating a resume, you can rest assured that our dear Kervin Peterson can help! Kervin is a man who can turn obstacles into experience with his eyes closed, always striving to bring the most to the table. Other than being a career coach, he’s a new dad and loves nothing more than hitting the gym and spending time with his family!

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