Creative Cover Cover Letter & Writing Guide

A creative cover letter infuses this formal document with vivid language, anecdotes, humor, and personality to make it easier to grab attention.
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Creative Cover

A creative cover letter turns a concise and professional document outlining your skills and accomplishments into an attention-grabbing work of art. Writing and submitting it when looking for a job is one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd of candidates who submit generic cover letters.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can craft a creative cover letter that doesn’t just showcase your competence but tells a story, radiates personality, and highlights your enthusiasm. We’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve this and give you examples you can use. 

Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • You should make your cover letter creative to differentiate yourself from other candidates in a competitive job market.

  • A creative cover letter should have a catchy introductory paragraph to grab the hiring manager’s attention.

  • A creative ending can make your letter more memorable.

  • You should let your personality shine through in your cover letter to make it truly unique.

  • Subtle visual elements can also help distinguish your letter from the heap of others.

Why Should You Make Your Cover Letter Creative?

motivation letter illustration

You should make your cover letter creative to differentiate yourself from the rest of the candidates. Hiring managers often have to go through numerous cover letters when looking for someone to join their organization. In these situations, they sometimes resort to skimming through these documents in seconds until they find one that grabs their attention.

Making your cover letter creative significantly improves your chances of catching the hiring manager’s eye. Instead of darting through your writing, they are likely to stop and focus on your document. In a competitive job market, sometimes that’s more than enough to help you get to the next stage of the hiring process.

However, a creative cover letter doesn’t mean it should be overly flashy or unprofessional. Instead, you want to leverage your writing skills to craft a compelling narrative. Instead of monotonously going through a list of your qualifications, you can use vivid language and anecdotes to strengthen the impact your cover letter has on the reader.

Finally, a creative cover letter can be particularly effective in professions that rely on inventiveness, such as marketing, writing, graphic design, etc. Still, a touch of creativity can boost your chances of impressing hiring managers, even in traditional fields, as long as you don’t overdo it.

How to Make a Creative Cover Letter: 7 Key Elements

Let’s learn how to write a creative cover letter by examining each individual section. To help with that, here’s a visual guideline on the creative cover letter format:

retail cover letter

#1. Heading

The heading is the place for contact information, and it’s one of the few parts of the letter that shouldn’t be creative but factual.

Start with your details, and list the following:

Heading Mandatory Details

  • Full name

  • Job title

  • Phone number

  • Email address

Optionally, you can add your address, LinkedIn profile, portfolio, etc.

Afterward, you should date the letter and include the location before listing the recipient’s contact information.

Here’s an example:

Header Example

Sue Carter Digital Marketing Specialist 1370 Maple Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 714-314-6825

Los Angeles, 7/12/2024

John Martinez Hiring Manager Smartvertise 166 Oakwood Circle Los Angeles, CA 90017

#2. Greeting

The key to writing a strong greeting is being brief and cordial and addressing the reader by their name. This builds rapport and increases the impact of your writing.

Here’s what that looks like:

Greeting Example

Dear Mr. Martinez,

If you researched the company and didn’t find the hiring manager's name, you can address them by their title or department. Just make sure to avoid generic openings, like “To Whom It May Concern,” as they are the opposite of creative.

#3. Introduction

The introductory paragraph is one of the best places to be creative with your cover letter. The best way to do it is with an inventive opening sentence followed by your key strengths.

If you’re writing a creative cover letter with no experience, you should leverage your skills and academic efforts. Experienced professionals should mention one or two exceptional achievements.

Here’s a good example:

Introduction Example

I am a firm believer that marketing is not about selling a product but telling a story. This notion helped me achieve exceptional results during nine years of work history. Notably, I helped a client boost their website’s organic traffic by 45% within six months, and I am eager to replicate results like this at Smartvertise.

#4. Skills, Qualifications, & Experiences

The central part of your cover letter should be about skills, qualifications, and experiences relevant to the role you’re applying for. To make it appealing, you should incorporate numbers to quantify your accomplishments and leverage descriptive language, action verbs, and power words for creativity.

Let’s see that in a good example:

Skills, Qualifications, & Experiences Example

In my previous role, I consistently and successfully orchestrated comprehensive marketing campaigns. My favorite project? A product launch campaign that leveraged SEO, social media stories, and enticing email marketing to garner a 25% increase in sales within the first month.

#5. Reasons for Applying

Emphasizing your reasons for applying is essential in displaying genuine enthusiasm for the job.

Here’s how you can do that:

Reasons for Applying Example

What draws me to Smartvertise is your ability to push boundaries and not blindly follow trends. Your fearless approach to crafting stories that resonate with audiences struck a chord with me as well.

#6. Call to Action 

A call to action toward the end increases the chances your creative cover letter will lead to an interview invite.

Here’s an example:

Call To Action Example

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to open a new chapter in my career at Smartvertise. I would love to discuss how my qualifications align with the current needs of your organization.

#7. Conclusion & Sign-Off

The conclusion and sign-off of your creative cover letter should be short and polite, much like the greeting.

Here’s what that should look like:

Conclusion & Sign-Off Example

Best regards, Sue Carter

Here’s a complete example of a creative cover letter written following the steps above:

11+ Examples of Creative Cover Letter Openings

Here are some examples of opening sentences for your creative cover letter.

#1. Creative Openings That Show Your Passion

Let’s start with three examples of creative openings that demonstrate your passion for the profession:

Good Examples

  • “As someone who thrives on reading good stories, I know the value brands can get from unique storytelling. That’s why I am eager to craft compelling narratives for your marketing agency.”

  • “Growing up, I was always disassembling toys to examine their electronic parts. This passion led me to graduate as a mechanical engineer. I’m excited for the opportunity to become a part of your team and contribute with the knowledge I gained during all those years.”

  • “I coded my first website at the age of 12, and I’ve been fascinated by programming ever since. I can’t wait to bring that drive to your organization.”

#2. Creative Openings That Show Your Humor

Here are three examples of creative cover letter openings that rely on humor to capture the reader’s attention:

Good Examples

  • “I convinced my cat not to use my laptop as her bed, so I’m confident I can convince your customers to purchase your top-tier products should you hire me as your sales assistant.”

  • “You probably don’t want to read yet another person telling you how passionate they are about working for your company. Well, I’m going to do it anyway because your work on [Specific Project] made me genuinely excited to become a part of your team.”

  • “I once assembled an IKEA chair without instructions. My problem-solving skills have only improved since, and I can’t wait to bring them to your organization.”

#3. Creative Openings That Show Your Accomplishments

The following openings for a creative cover letter leverage the candidate’s exceptional work-related accomplishments to draw attention:

Good Examples

  • “Having launched a product that generated more than $1 million in revenue in the first six months, I realized the power of innovation and user-centric design. I am excited to bring these insights into your organization.”

  • “With three “Salesperson of the Year” awards under my belt, I am confident in my ability to help your company develop outstanding sales strategies.”

  • “I have saved more than 550 work hours annually at my previous company. I am excited for the opportunity to replicate and exceed these results in your establishment, should you hire me as your new process automation specialist.”

#4. Creative Openings That Show Your Admiration

Finally, here’s how you can open your creative cover letter by highlighting your admiration for the company you’re applying to:

Good Examples

  • “As an avid longtime user of [Company Name]’s software, I am thrilled about the opportunity to contribute to its future development.”

  • “Your dedication to fostering a healthy work environment and exceptional customer service is inspiring. I would be delighted to bring my competence to such a dedicated team.”

  • “The creativity behind your products inspired me to become a product engineer. I am excited for the opportunity to contribute to the launch of your next revolutionary product.”

11+ Examples of Creative Cover Letter Endings

Now, let’s explore creative cover letter endings that can help you leave a lasting good impression on hiring managers.

#1. Endings That Reinforce Your Enthusiasm

Here are some creative endings that reinforce your enthusiasm for the role and the company:

Good Examples

  • “I am eager to hit the ground running and bring my passion and skills to contribute to your organizational goals.”

  • “Joining your company would be more than getting a job; it would be a lifetime opportunity to collaborate with a team of exceptional professionals and help them achieve great things.”

  • “I can’t wait for the opportunity to discuss my ideas with you over an interview. I believe I can leverage my experience to significantly contribute to your efforts.”

#2. Endings That Highlight Your Values

These endings can help you highlight your values and emphasize that you’re a good cultural fit:

Good Examples

  • “What drives me in my work is my commitment to making a positive impact. Your organization’s values perfectly align with mine, and I look forward to the opportunity to join your team.”

  • “Collaborative and respectful work environments may be buzzwords to some, but they are my guiding principles. I would be thrilled to join your company where these values are a priority.”

  • “Commitment to quality and ethical practices are the values I see in your organization, and I am excited about the possibility of becoming a part of the team that shares these principles.”

#3. Endings That Express Gratitude

Now, here are some creative ways to express gratitude toward the end of your cover letter:

Good Examples

  • “I sincerely appreciate the time you’ve taken to review my application, as it’s not every day I find a role that perfectly aligns with my skills and aspirations.”

  • “I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to contribute to your company and grateful for your consideration of my application.”

  • “I appreciate the opportunity to apply for this role, and I want to thank you for taking the time to review my qualifications.”

#4. Endings That Invite Further Discussion

Finally, these creative endings invite further discussion with the hiring manager or employer:

Good Examples

  • “I am eager to discuss how my background aligns with your company’s goals. I look forward to talking to you more during an interview.”

  • “I am confident I can help your organization make a bigger impact, and I’d appreciate the opportunity to talk about that further.”

  • “I am passionate about your company’s work, and I believe my qualifications perfectly match the needs of your organization. I’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you further about this.”

3 More Strategies for Writing a Creative Cover Letter

What Are Employers Looking For in a Nurse

Before we wrap up this comprehensive guide on writing a creative cover letter, here are three expert strategies to help you make the best one possible.

#1. Go for a Unique, Attention-Grabbing Opening

The opening is one of the most important parts of your creative cover letter, which is why it’s crucial to make it unique and attention-grabbing. A strong opening can mean the difference between a hiring manager focusing on the rest of your writing or outright dismissing your document.

A bold but not over-the-top opening can pique the hiring manager’s interest and set the tone for the rest of your cover letter. It can help you demonstrate creativity and enthusiasm immediately, ensuring the reader pays close attention to all the skills and accomplishments you list afterward.

#2. Let Your Personality Shine Through

You should let your personality shine through in our cover letter to add character to it. This document can be much more than just a different version of your resume. You should use it to show who you are as a person and to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role you’re applying for.

You can infuse your cover letter with personality in multiple ways. For instance, you can add a touch of humor to include an anecdote from your private life that ties into your professional career. This way, you’re making your letter unique, displaying distinct qualities, and leaving a lasting impression on hiring managers.

#3. Include Visual Elements

You can include visual elements to make your cover letter creative. Subtle touches of color with shapes, lines, and symbols can enhance your document’s layout, making it pop in the eyes of the reader.

However, you shouldn’t overdo it with the design of your creative cover letter. Excessive use of bright colors and plenty of busy graphical elements can reduce the document’s readability and make it appear unprofessional. Unless you know what you’re doing, you should follow the minimalist “less is more” principle.

Final Thoughts

A creative cover letter doesn’t just make you stand out—it portrays your unique qualities, personality, and enthusiasm. Using subtle humor or displaying genuine passion sets you apart from the competition and improves your chances of impressing hiring managers.

Whether you’re writing a creative cover letter for an entry-level or senior position, you should remember to craft a catchy opening, emphasize your qualifications and motivation, and finish with a strong ending. With such a thoughtful approach, an otherwise formal document turns into a riveting story that will likely result in a job interview!

Kervin Peterson
Kervin Peterson
Career Coach
Whether you need help preparing for an interview, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, or creating a resume, you can rest assured that our dear Kervin Peterson can help! Kervin is a man who can turn obstacles into experience with his eyes closed, always striving to bring the most to the table. Other than being a career coach, he’s a new dad and loves nothing more than hitting the gym and spending time with his family!

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