If you’re like most people, you probably aren’t too excited about the idea of having to introduce yourself.
Still, whether you’re in a job interview, meeting your new colleagues for the first time, or mingling at a networking event, you simply can’t avoid introducing yourself.
Talking about yourself in front of new people can get quite awkward, however. So, just to get it over with, you might go with something like Hi, my name is Annie, and I am a Marketing Director.
But let’s be honest—stating the bare minimum isn’t enough to guarantee a good first impression. In fact, people might forget who you are as soon as you finish the sentence.
Luckily, we’re here to show you how to introduce yourself professionally AND leave a lasting first impression on everyone you meet!
Key Takeaways
The best way to introduce yourself professionally is to say your name, profession, and keep your professional introduction relevant and appropriate for the situation.
A sample of how to introduce yourself professionally looks like this: Hi! I’m [your name], and I’m a [your profession]. My job is to [your main responsibilities]. I help [specify to whom] by [say what you do].
To introduce yourself to a recruiter via email the right way, you should write an informative subject line, choose an appropriate greeting, and make a request.
To effectively introduce yourself to a new team, you want to tailor your introduction to the company’s culture or ask the team leader to introduce you.
The Best Way to Introduce Yourself Professionally [+Sample]
Did you know that it takes eight subsequent positive encounters to change someone’s negative opinion of you after a bad first impression? That’s right! And that’s one of the reasons why you want to introduce yourself effectively from the get-go.
So, the best way to introduce yourself professionally is by providing the following information:
Who you are. This part is easy—the only thing you need to do is say your name.
What you do and what value you bring. Most people just mention their job title and company, but the key to making a memorable impression is to take your professional introduction one step further. So, instead of simply stating the basics, actually explain what you do and how you contribute to your company, industry, etc.
Your professional introduction should look something like this:
Correct Example
Hi, I’m Lisa Jordan, and I’m a Retail Manager at ABC Retail Company. I monitor a team of 10+ employees and train them to provide top-quality service to customers. Besides this, I also supervise assistant managers and ensure that all monthly, and annual sales goals are met on time. In my free time, I also run a blog on visual merchandising tips that has 1,000+ monthly readers.
5+ Best Tips on How To Introduce Yourself Professionally
Want to take your professional introduction to the next level?
Here are the most useful tips on how to introduce yourself to leave a long-lasting positive impression:
Tips on How To Introduce Yourself
Prepare what you want to say. Consider preparing your professional introduction in advance because improvising is risky and can lead to rambling. Practicing what you want to say can help if you tend to get nervous, as well as prevent you from saying something wrong.
Make your introduction relevant. Relevance is key when you introduce yourself, either in writing or speech. You may be a car lover, but unless you’re an automotive writer or a car salesman, this information will sound quite random.
Mind the cultural context. Make sure not to offend anyone while introducing yourself to a new audience. Researching the company to grasp its culture before an interview or meeting is a must.
Be confident. Every employer wants to hire a candidate that is confident in their ability to succeed in a specific role. Giving a confident self-introduction will demonstrate that mentality.
Dress well. If you’re going to a job interview, the interviewer will judge you by the way you are dressed before you even say a word. By choosing an appropriate interview outfit, you’ll come across as professional and willing to adapt to the company’s dress code if necessary.
Use positive body language. Your delivery is no less important than the content of your professional introduction. Smiling, nodding, making eye contact, shaking hands, and standing upright entice the other person to listen to what you have to say.
3 Things You Should Avoid When Introducing Yourself
Now that you know how to introduce yourself professionally in the right way, let’s see what actions you should avoid to not spoil your introduction.
If you want to make a good impression, you shouldn’t:
Use the same introduction in different situations. The way you introduce yourself to a new colleague shouldn’t be the same as how you introduce yourself to your manager. Create a unique introduction for each meeting based on the setting, level of formality, and people you’ll be meeting.
Complain and be negative. The last thing you want is to be remembered as pessimistic and grumpy. Show your optimistic side by smiling and maintaining a positive attitude.
Try to be funny. Not everyone has the same sense of humor. What you find funny could be outright offensive to someone else. Until you get to know someone better, it's wiser to avoid cracking jokes.
How to Introduce Yourself Professionally—Sample
Can’t think of how to introduce yourself professionally? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a sample you can use—all you need to do is fill in the blanks with relevant information:
Sample Format
Hi! I’m [your name], and I’m a [your profession]. My job is to [your main responsibilities]. I help [specify to whom] by [say what you do].
And here’s a real-life example of a professional introduction:
Real-Life Example
My name is Kylie, and I’m a copywriter. My job is to help online businesses create unique personal brand stories and attract new clients by writing attention-grabing landing page copy, product descriptions, taglines, and the like. I’ve written copy for ad campaigns worth $2—$5 million.
How to Introduce Yourself In An Email to a Recruiter

Before going on a job interview or speaking to a new business contact, you may need to introduce yourself by email. Here’s how to make sure your email gets the attention it deserves:
#1. Write an Informative Subject Line
The recruiter’s decision to open and read your email will depend on the subject line, which is the first thing they will see. Therefore, make sure it is informative, brief, and professional.
For example, if you’re applying for a job, use a subject line such as Project Manager Application.
#2. Choose an Appropriate Greeting
Start your email with a greeting tailored to the recruiter. Use “Dear Mr./Ms.” and the recruiter's last name if you’re looking to land a job in an industry that requires formality (e.g., finance or law).
If you are making an introduction to a recruiter in a more casual industry, such as marketing or technology, you may start out by saying “Hello” and using their first name.
Instead of writing the typical “Dear Sir/Madam,” take a minute to look up the recruiter and the company on Google to see what type of greeting would be appropriate. This will show that you’re serious about the job and will help you stand out from the competition.
#3. Explain Why You’re Writing
Recruiters are very busy people, so don’t waste their time by making them guess your motivation for writing the email. Quickly let the recruiter know why you are emailing them and how you came by their email address.
You could say, for instance, that you wanted to know more about a specific job opening and that a mutual contact gave you their email address.
#4. Make a Request
The final part of your email should include a request or call to action for the recruiter. Make sure it’s brief and specific, and phrase it politely.
For example: In the hopes that you’ll consider me for this position, I have attached my resume.
#5. Say "Thank You"
Whether you’re applying for a job at a large corporation or a startup, one thing is for certain—no one wants to hire rude and arrogant people.
So, your chances of receiving a response may increase if you end your introduction email by thanking the recruiter. Besides, a little politeness never hurts!
Now that you know how to introduce yourself in an email, here’s a sample you can use:
Correct Example
Subject: [Main topic]
Dear Mr./Ms. [recruiter’s name],
My name is [add your first and last name]. I found your contact information in/on/at [provide a source] and I am reaching out to you today because [provide a reason].
I hope to [make a request/include a call to action].
Thank you for your consideration and time.
Best regards,
[Your name] [Contact information]
How to Introduce Yourself to a New Team
Your first day at a new job will often include a team office meeting (or a virtual meeting, if you’re a remote worker) where you’ll be expected to introduce yourself to your new colleagues.
If you’re not sure how to do it right, check out the following tips:
#1. Prepare and Practice
Introducing yourself to anyone, including your new colleagues, isn’t something you want to leave to chance. Even if you’re normally great at improvising, you might get nervous and struggle to collect your thoughts.
For this reason, the first thing you should do is prepare and practice your professional introduction. If you can’t get a friend or a family member to listen to you, practice in front of a mirror to see if your body language is on point. This will help you feel more confident, especially if you aren’t comfortable with public speaking.
#2. Tailor Your Introduction to the Company’s Culture
Right after you join a new team, you want to try and fit in with the company’s culture. This way, you can easily integrate into the workplace and begin building good relationships with your teammates from day 1.
So, if your company has a traditional culture, make sure your introduction stays formal:
Correct Example
“Hi, I’m John. I am the new financial analyst.”
If the environment is relaxed, you can be casual and add other details about yourself (e.g., your hobbies and interests):
Correct Example
“Hi, I’m Kate. I’m the new content manager. I worked at ABC before joining you. When I’m off work, I enjoy hiking.
Moreover, as remote work becomes more common, many companies are using apps such as Slack to create virtual workplaces.
In such cases, you can introduce yourself to your team by writing a brief message like “Hi everyone, my name is Alec, and I just joined your company as a Video Editor.”
#3. Take Advantage of the Job Orientation Program
During the employee orientation process, you should introduce yourself to as many individuals as you can.
The person giving you a tour of the company will also introduce you to coworkers. This means that, in this situation, you won’t have to approach your new colleagues directly. What you’ll need to do is simply say Hi, pleasure to meet you.
#4. Ask the Team Leader for an Introduction
If your company doesn’t have a job orientation program and no one offers to introduce you to your new team, ask your team leader to do it.
Correct Example
“I’ve already met and spoken to a few team members. However, I think I should meet more of the people I will be working with. Do you have time to introduce me to the rest of the team?”
How to Introduce Yourself at a Job Interview [+ Example]
Introducing yourself during a job interview is a bit different. The main purpose of answering the “tell me about yourself” question is to pitch yourself to the employer.
If you want to impress the hiring manager from the get-go, you should pay close attention to the following:
Job Interview Self Introduction Tips
Don’t talk to them as if they were your friends. It’s absolutely alright to speak about your pets, for example, when you’re chatting with your buddies. However, while talking to a hiring manager, be professional and don’t go off-topic.
Briefly mention some of your biggest achievements. The employer will want to know how your unique skills and competencies can help them prosper. Tell them about one of the professional accomplishments you’re proud of and explain how it contributed to achieving your previous company’s goals.
Think about what the recruiter wants to hear. The hiring manager wants to hear the most important information about your career while you’re introducing yourself. Don’t waste your time explaining the part-time barista job you had when you were 17 if you’re applying for an account manager position. Instead, focus on your relevant skills, work experience, achievements, and how you can contribute to the company.
Keeping these tips in mind, here’s what a good self-introduction at your job interview could look like:
Correct Example
“Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you in person. I’m Amy, and I’ve been working as a professional social media manager for the past six years after completing my master’s in communications from Boston University.
Previously, I managed a social media team of 7 specialists, including graphic designers and copywriters. I also optimized social media marketing strategies for 4 high-profile retail clients, which increased their conversion rates by 23% on average. I'm applying for the position of social media manager with your team to put my industry experience and leadership skills to use.”
Closing Thoughts
And there you have it!
By now, you should know how to introduce yourself the right way in virtually any situation, including via email and during a job interview.
Ultimately, the main takeaway is that the key to a successful professional introduction is to always keep it relevant to the occasion.