BlogJob Interviews15 Top Flight Attendant Interview Questions & Sample Answers

15 Top Flight Attendant Interview Questions & Sample Answers

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Flight attendant interview questions are designed to evaluate a wide range of skills necessary for the job. These skills include problem-solving and decision-making, as well as technical, organizational, and soft skills, among others.

Given the complexity of an airline interview and the job itself, it’s paramount that you carefully prepare your answers to highlight your qualifications and expertise, thereby setting yourself apart from other candidates.

Although the task seems challenging, learning the meaning of each question can help you craft the best possible answer. That is why, in this article, we’ll explore the most common flight attendant interview questions and offer tips on answering them, along with sample answers you can use. Let’s start!

How to Answer Interview Questions as a Future Flight Attendant

The best way to answer interview questions for flight attendants is by using the STAR method. Since the interview mainly involves situational and behavioral questions designed to assess your problem-solving skills, this approach is perfect for structuring your answers to provide a clear insight into your expertise.

According to the STAR method, the answers to the flight attendant interview questions should cover the following four parts:

STAR Method

  1. Situation: Contextualize your answer, as flight attendant interview questions often call for storytelling skills, so the critical first step is providing the context for your story.

  2. Task: Describe the work assignment you were responsible for in the specific situation you’re talking about. If the situation required problem-solving skills, explain the issue that you had to resolve.

  3. Action: Elaborate on the approach you took to efficiently complete the task or address the issue, bringing your creative thinking skills and adaptability into focus.

  4. Result: Wrap up your answer with the result you accomplished or the lesson you learned from the situation you’re recounting.

19+ Flight Attendant Interview Questions & Sample Answers

words to describe yourself

Now that we’ve explained the theory, let’s put it into practice and explore some of the most common flight attendant interview questions and answers.

#1. Why did you decide to become a flight attendant?

This is one of the seemingly simple flight attendant interview questions. However, what hides behind it is the interviewer’s desire to evaluate your commitment to the job. The stronger your reasons for applying for the position are, the more skills you have and the likelier you are to be willing to learn and advance.

Sample answer:

I decided to become a flight attendant when I flew for the first time as a child. I remember being nervous and afraid, not knowing what to expect. Luckily, there was a kind flight attendant on board who patiently answered all my questions and reassured me there was nothing to be scared of.

Once I relaxed, I enjoyed the feeling of being in the air, and when I grew up, I knew I wanted to do the same for other people who were anxious about flying.

#2. What do you like the most about our airline?

Interviewers ask this question to see whether you’ve researched the company before applying. Simply put, they want to know if you’ve done your homework and assess your motivation based on the features you found appealing.

When you do your research prior to the interview, focus on the initiatives and features that set the airline apart from its competition.

Sample answer:

I like that American Airlines is a legacy company that serves as a symbol of the United States and progress, innovation, globalization, and top-tier technology. In addition to combining traditional methods and new trends, I believe that American Airlines helps connect people and foster diversity, and I’d be proud to be a part of such a team.

#3. What are the most important qualities and skills a flight attendant needs to have?

This is one of the flight attendant interview questions aimed at evaluating your knowledge of the profession and research skills, especially if you have no prior experience in a similar position. Your answer should emphasize all the qualities that would make you a perfect fit for the job, such as communication skills, resilience, and adaptability.

Sample answer:

In my opinion, the most important skills and qualities a flight attendant needs to have are resilience, adaptability, strong communication skills, and dedication to customer service. For example, my experience working with people of diverse backgrounds has taught me how to offer personalized service and resolve issues efficiently.

#4. How do you ensure passengers are comfortable and taken care of?

Since customer service is an integral part of a flight attendant’s job, interviewers ask this question and similar ones to see which strategies you apply to ensure passengers’ satisfaction and improve their comfort. You should talk about how you check in with them and observe their behavior to determine whether they need any assistance.

Sample answer:

I make it a priority to stay friendly and kind to all passengers, regularly checking in to see if they’re comfortable or need anything. Additionally, I pay close attention to people who seem to be anxious about flying and make sure to answer their questions and provide the reassurance they need.

Lastly, I always do my best to let the customers know they can turn to me regarding any issues or requests, making them feel at ease.

#5. Tell me about a time when you dealt with a difficult customer.

This is another one of the customer service-related flight attendant interview questions, but this one seeks to assess your conflict-resolution skills, patience, and ability to stay calm under pressure.

Additionally, it’s a situational question, so make sure to use the STAR method when answering it.

Sample Answer:

While I was at my previous job, I encountered a passenger who was displeased about the seating arrangement. I listened to their concerns, acknowledged their frustration, and kept my composure as I calmly explained the situation to them.

Finally, I managed to find a solution that was in accordance with the airline policy and still met the customer’s needs. As a result, the tension decreased, and the passengers were satisfied with the outcome.

#6. What would you do if you noticed one of your team members was intoxicated on duty?

With this question, interviewers seek to assess your ability to identify a situation that can endanger the safety of the crew and passengers. Given the nature of a flight attendant’s job, it’s crucial that you adhere to the safety protocols at all times and stress that out in your answer.

Sample Answer:

If I noticed a coworker was intoxicated on duty, I would immediately notify the supervisor. Safety is my primary concern while in the air, which is why I would disregard my personal rapport with said crew member in favor of the well-being of everyone on board, including other colleagues and passengers.

#7. How do you prepare for long-haul flights?

This is one of the flight attendant interview questions that evaluates a candidate’s organizational skills and determines how they get ready for long-destination flights, ensuring they’re well-rested and prepared for their duties on board.

When you answer it, make sure to outline your routine and highlight reviewing safety procedures as the most important part.

Sample answer:

Before a long-haul flight, I ensure I get a good night's sleep so that I’m well-rested on duty, as I believe that to be the cornerstone of efficient customer service. Additionally, I review the passenger manifest to see whether there will be passengers with special requirements, such as assistance needs and dietary restrictions.

I also ensure I’m up to date with any changes and familiar with the aircraft’s safety equipment. Finally, I check my uniform and appearance to ensure they’re impeccable for the flight.

#8. How do you handle passengers who want to visit the cockpit?

This is another one of the safety-related flight attendant interview questions. Namely, keeping passengers out of the cockpit is essential for maintaining its safety and, thus, the safety of everyone on board, crew and customers alike.

Moreover, this question aims to assess whether you can stay calm and collected in a stressful situation while complying with the safety regulations.

Sample answer:

If a curious passenger wants to visit the cockpit, I kindly inform them that it’s against the safety protocol and ask them to return to their seat. If that doesn’t work and they remain persistent, I have other crew members help me restrain them and inform the captain and the supervisor about the situation.

#9. Tell me about a time you made a mistake. How did you fix it?

This is yet another one of the situational flight attendant interview questions. Interviewers ask it primarily to evaluate your problem-solving skills, but they also seek to determine whether you possess the ability to admit to your own faults and learn from them.

You should answer this question honestly yet strategically and recount a mistake you were able to resolve quickly. While it can be related to another customer service job, make sure it applies to the flight attendant position.

Sample answer:

When I first started working as a waiter, I once confused one of the ready meals for my table’s order. As a result, both tables had to wait a little longer for their food, but I quickly realized my mistake, apologized, and resolved the issue promptly.

It was lucky that no one at my table had dietary restrictions or allergies, but from then on, I made sure to read labels carefully and communicate with my coworkers to avoid making the same mistake.

#10. How would you handle two customers arguing?

It’s not uncommon for passengers to engage in conflict during flight, especially if they’re nervous or afraid of flying. When that happens, a flight attendant needs to be able to de-escalate the situation, keep their composure, and make sure the tension doesn’t get transferred to other passengers.

Your answer to this question should reflect your conflict-resolution skills and ability to stay calm under pressure.

Sample answer:

If two customers started arguing during a flight, I’d first assess the situation to detect any potential security risks for the sake of the safety of everyone on board. I would calmly address both passengers and kindly ask them to explain the problem while also taking into account what those around them have to say. From there, I would work with other crew members to follow proper airline procedures and ensure other passengers feel safe and comfortable.

#11. What languages do you speak?

This is one of the most straightforward flight attendant interview questions that evaluates your language skills. Given the diversity of passengers on board, the more languages you speak, the better your ability to provide them with quality customer service.

Answer the question honestly and list all the languages you speak at an intermediate level or above, but don’t forget to mention those you’re also currently learning.

Sample answer:

I only speak English fluently but can read, write, and speak basic French and German. I’ve also been learning Spanish via online classes and aim to be conversational in that language.

#12. What actions would you take if you suspected a security threat on board?

A potential security threat on board is a highly stressful situation, but it’s also one you need to be prepared for as a flight attendant. This question evaluates your ability to think and act under pressure and comply with safety regulations while simultaneously reassuring passengers and providing them with the assistance they need.

Sample answer:

If I suspected a security threat during a flight, I would promptly notify the captain and my supervisor, as well as the rest of the crew. I would stay calm to avoid alarming passengers while working with my colleagues to ensure safety.

#13. How would you handle a medical emergency on board?

The point of this question is to gauge your ability to act fast, handle high-pressure situations, and provide first aid. The best way to answer this question is to recount a situation from experience, if you can, emphasizing how you communicated with the passenger in need of medical attention as well as your coworkers.

Sample answer:

I once noticed a passenger looking rather unwell during a flight. When I asked if they were okay, they said they were nauseated and dizzy. I immediately briefed the rest of the crew about the situation, informed the captain, and performed a basic medical check as my colleagues arranged for oxygen.

Additionally, the captain organized medical assistance upon landing. Meanwhile, we kept monitoring the passengers, ensuring they were comfortable. Fortunately, by the time we landed, they were feeling much better.

#14. What do you think about working on weekends and holidays?

Flexibility in scheduling is a typical requirement for flight attendants, which is why interviewers ask this question. They need to determine whether you know what a day on the job looks like and if you can manage the busy schedule alongside your personal life and commitment.

Your answer should demonstrate your willingness to adapt to the lifestyle that comes with the role and highlight your time-management skills.

Sample answer:

I’m familiar with the scheduling flexibility the role requires and am ready to prioritize my job and organize my time around it. I also make sure to note down my professional responsibilities and regularly check for any changes in the schedule to manage my time efficiently.

#15. How do you communicate with customers whose language you don’t speak?

A flight attendant's job implies contact with people from many diverse backgrounds. However, it’s impossible to speak all their languages. This question essentially aims to assess your creative thinking skills and ability to use non-verbal cues, translation apps, and gestures.

In your answer, you should focus on communicating the most important information, such as safety instructions, to passengers with whom you can’t communicate verbally because of the language barrier.

Sample answer:

If there’s a language barrier between me and a passenger, I use gestures to demonstrate procedures and point to safety instructions. I also ensure I have a language app on my phone and maintain constant communication with other crew members so that I can ask them for assistance if needed.

25 More Flight Attendant Interview Questions

These are additional flight attendant interview questions you can expect when applying for this job:

Flight Attendant Interview Questions

  1. How do you handle stressful situations on a job?

  2. Do you have other customer service experience?

  3. What are your most prominent strengths and weaknesses?

  4. What would you do if you noticed smoke in the lavatory?

  5. How would you deal with a customer’s complaint?

  6. How would you approach a colleague struggling on a flight?

  7. What would you do to encourage a disengaged crew member?

  8. How do you handle jet lag?

  9. What is the biggest challenge about this job, in your opinion?

  10. Have you gone through any flight attendant training programs?

  11. What are your career goals, and where do you see yourself five years from now?

  12. Tell me about a time you surpassed a passenger’s expectations.

  13. How do you assist passengers with special needs?

  14. How do you prioritize your tasks on board?

  15. What role do you assume in a team?

  16. How do you handle the physical demands of the job?

  17. How do you handle being away from home for long periods of time?

  18. Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with your supervisor. How did you handle it?

  19. How do you handle altering security procedures?

  20. How do you handle changing flight schedules?

  21. Tell me about a time you reassured a concerned customer.

  22. Tell me about your greatest professional success.

  23. How would you deal with a customer refusing to comply with security regulations?

  24. How do you handle emergency situations during a flight?

  25. How do you manage multiple passenger requests on a fully booked flight?

5 Expert Tips on How to Succeed in Your Flight Attendant Interview

Here are some expert tips to help you stand out among other candidates at a flight attendant job interview and raise your chances of getting hired:

5 Expert Tips on How to Succeed in Your Flight Attendant Interview

  • Research the company. Make sure you have enough time to research the company thoroughly before the interview. Focus on its website and LinkedIn page and pay close attention to its mission. That way, you’ll demonstrate genuine interest and knowledge, which will be appreciated by the recruiter.

  • Practice your answers. Do a mock interview to practice your answers to the most common flight attendant interview questions. Be mindful of your body language—a polite smile and good posture reflect confidence, while crossed arms signify you’re unapproachable.

  • Prepare questions for the interviewer. You’ll likely be asked if you have any questions of your own at the end of the interview. Make sure you have a few prepared, as that’s another way to showcase genuine interest and the willingness to learn and grow professionally.

  • Refresh your technical knowledge. Even if you have experience, you should review the technical information a flight attendant needs to know. This is especially important due to the changing safety regulations and protocols, as well as the differences between airlines and aircraft.

  • Mind your appearance. Appearance is important for the position of a flight attendant, so ensure you dress professionally, keep your nails short and clean, and have a put-together hairstyle that reveals your face.

Final Thoughts

Flight attendant interview questions are rather diverse, which is unsurprising given how many different skills are needed for the job. Many of them are situational questions, which are best answered using the STAR method.

Additionally, the qualities you should strive to emphasize are your decision-making, problem-solving, and people skills, as well as adaptability, flexibility, and ability to remain calm in stressful situations.

Isabelle Dupont
Isabelle Dupont
Content Writer & Editor
Isabelle Dupont is from Portland, but she now lives and works in sunny San Diego. She is a content writer and editor for She loves casual Fridays and carefree days spent on the beach and has been writing for several years now. Whether it’s creating content or fixing it up, she’s always on point and makes sure no stone is left unturned. In her free time, Isa loves to immerse herself in fantasy novels, go on long hikes, and spend time with her friends and family.

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